Below is a list of all of the resources used in constructing this web site along with some extra suggested readings.
Works by Daniel Capper:
D. Capper, Buddhist Ecological Protection of Space: A Guide for Sustainable Off-Earth Travel. Lexington Books, 2023.
free proof copy of Introduction: Buddhist Ecological Protection of Space
D. Capper, What Should We Do with Our Moon?: Ethics and Policy for Establishing International Multiuse Lunar Land Reserves, Space Policy (2021): 101462.
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Lunar nature reserves poster presentation
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D. Capper, Roaming Free like a Deer: Buddhism and the Natural World, Cornell University Press, 2022.
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D. Capper, Preserving Mars Today using Baseline Ecologies, Space Policy 49 (2019): 101325.
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D. Capper, The Search for Microbial Martian Life and American Buddhist Ethics, International Journal of Astrobiology (2019).
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D. Capper, American Buddhist Protection of Stones in terms of Climate Change on Mars and Earth, Contemporary Buddhism (2020).
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D. Capper, Intrinsic Value, American Buddhism, and Potential Life on Saturn’s Moon Titan, in Astrobiology: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy, edited by Ted Peters, Octavio Chon Torres, Richard Gordon, and Joseph Seckbach. Wiley, 2021.
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D. Capper, How Venus Became Cool: Social and Moral Dimensions of Biosignature Science, Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science (2021).
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D. Capper, On Loving Nonliving Stuff, in Reclaiming Space: Progressive and Multicultural Visions of Space Exploration, edited by James S. J. Schwartz, Linda Billings, and Erika Nesvold.
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D. Capper, Animism among Western Buddhists, Contemporary Buddhism 17, 1 (2016): 30-48.
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D. Capper, Learning Love from a Tiger: Religious Experiences with Nature, University of California Press, Oakland, 2016.
free proof copy of Introduction: Learning Love from a Tiger
Buddhism and space:
N.A. Irudayadason, The Wonder Called Cosmic Oneness: Toward Astroethics from Hindu and Buddhist Wisdom and Worldviews, in: C. Impey, A.H. Spitz, and W. Stoeger (Eds.), Encountering Life in the Universe: Ethical Foundations and Social Implications of Astrobiology, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 2013, pp. 94-119.
J.W. Traphagan and J.W. Traphagan, SETI in Non-Western Perspective, in: S.J. Dick (Ed.), The Impact of Discovering Life Beyond Earth, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015.
D.A. Weintraub, Religions and Extraterrestrial Life: How will We Deal with It?, Springer, New York, 2014.
Buddhism and ecology:
B.R. Ambros, Bones of Contention: Animals and Religion in Contemporary Japan, University of Hawai’i Press, Honolulu, 2012.
A.H. Badiner (Ed.), Mindfulness in the Marketplace: Compassionate Responses to Consumerism, Parallax Press, Berkeley, 2002.
S.B. Boret, Japanese Tree Burial: Ecology, Kinship and the Culture of Death, Routledge, London, 2014.
Boston Research Center for the 21st Century (Ed.), Buddhist Perspectives on the Earth Charter, Boston Research Center for the 21st Century, Boston, 1997.
J.B. Callicott and R.T. Ames, Nature in Asian Traditions of Thought, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1989.
D.E. Cooper and S.P. James, Buddhism, Virtue, and Environment, Ashgate, Aldershot, 2005.
S. Darlington, The Ordination of a Tree: The Thai Buddhist Environmental Movement, State University of New York Press, Albany, 2012.
Dalai Lama, On Environment: Collected Statements, Central Tibetan Administration, Dharamsala, 2007.
J. Dunne and D. Goleman (Eds.), Ecology, Ethics, and Interdependence: The Dalai Lama in Conversation with Leading Thinkers on Climate Change, Wisdom Publications, Somerville, 2018.
P. Hirsch (Ed.), Seeing Forests for Trees: Environment and Environmentalism in Thailand, Silkworm Books, Chiang Mai, 1996.
L. Jianqiang, Tibetan Environmentalists in China: The King of Dzi, Lexington Books, Lanham, 2015.
S. Kaza and K. Kraft (Eds.), Dharma Rain: Sources of Buddhist Environmentalism, Shambhala, Boston, 2000.
S. Kaza, Green Buddhism: Practice and Compassionate Action in Uncertain Times, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, 2019.
J. Knight, Waiting for Wolves in Japan: An Anthropological Study of People-Wildlife Relations, University of Hawai’i Press, Honolulu, 2006.
D.R. Loy, Ecodharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Ecological Crisis, Wisdom Publications, Somerville, 2018.
C. Meinert (Ed.), Nature, Environment and Culture in East Asia, Brill, Leiden, 2013.
J. Miller, D.S. Yu, and P.v.d.Veer (Eds.), Religion and Ecological Sustainability in China, Routledge, London, 2014.
R. Ohnuma, Unfortunate Destiny: Animals in the Indian Buddhist Imagination, Oxford University Press, New York, 2017.
R.K. Payne (Ed.), How Much is Enough?: Buddhism, Consumerism, and the Human Environment, Wisdom Publications, Somerville, 2010.
F. Rambelli, Vegetal Buddhas: Ideological Effects of Japanese Buddhist Doctrines on the Salvation of Inanimate Beings, Scuola Italiana di Studi sull’ Asia Orientale, Kyoto, 2001.
L. Schmithausen, Buddhism and Nature, The International Institute for Buddhist Studies, Tokyo, 1991.
_____, The Problem of the Sentience of Plants in Earliest Buddhism, The International Institute for Buddhist Studies, Tokyo, 1991.
_____, Plants in Early Buddhism and the Far Eastern Idea of the Buddha-nature of Grasses and Trees, Lumbini International Research Institute, Lumbini, 2009.
M.E. Tucker and D.R. Williams, Buddhism and Ecology: The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1997.
Bodhi tree grows around a Buddha head in Ayutthaya, Thailand.
Buddhism and science:
D.P. Barash, Buddhist Biology: Ancient Eastern Wisdom Meets Modern Western Science, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014.
Dalai Lama, The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality, Broadway Books, New York, 2005.
A. Eisen and Y. Konchok, The Enlightened Gene: Biology, Buddhism, and the Convergence that Explains the World, University Press of New England, Lebanon, 2018.
W. Hasenkamp, J.R. White (Eds.), The Monastery and the Microscope: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Mind, Mindfulness, and the Nature of Reality, Yale University Press, New Haven, 2017.
D. Keown, Buddhism and Bioethics, Palgrave, New York, 2001.
D.S. Lopez, Jr., Buddhism and Science: A Guide for the Perplexed, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2008.
_____, The Scientific Buddha: His Short and Happy Life, Yale University Press, New Haven, 2012.
V. Mansfield, Tibetan Buddhism and Modern Physics, Templeton Foundation Press, West Conshohocken, 2008.
M. Ricard and T.X. Thuan, The Quantum and the Lotus: A Journey to the Frontiers where Science and Buddhism Meet, Three Rivers Press, New York, 2001.
B. Alan Wallace (Ed.), Buddhism and Science: Breaking New Ground, Columbia University Press, New York, 2003.
A. Zajonc (Ed.), The New Physics and Cosmology: Dialogues with the Dalai Lama, Oxford University Press, New York, 2004.
Personhood approaches:
J. Derrida, The Animal that Therefore I Am, Fordham University Press, New York, 2008.
M. Hall, Plants as Persons: A Philosophical Botany, State University of New York Press, Albany, 2011.
G. Harvey, Animism: Respecting the Living World, Columbia University Press, New York, 2006.
E. Katz, Nature as Subject: Human Obligation and Natural Community, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, 1997.
B. Smuts, Encounters with Animal Minds, Journal of Consciousness Studies 8:5-7 (2001) 293-309.
Reserves/parks in space:
C. Cockell, G. Horneck, A Planetary Park System for Mars, Space Policy 20 (2004) 291-295.
C.S. Cockell, G. Horneck, Planetary Parks—Formulating a Wilderness Policy for Planetary Bodies, Space Policy 22 (2006) 256-261.
K. Ellis, Preserving Apollo: H.R. 2617 and the Creation of the Apollo Lunar Landing Sites National Historical Park, Fordham Environmental Law Review 26:3 (2015) 516-558.
L. Westwood, B.L. O’Leary, M.W. Donaldson, The Final Mission: Preserving NASA’s Apollo Sites, University Press of Florida, Gainesville, 2017.
Environmental studies:
A. Leopold, Wilderness as a Land Laboratory, in: M.P. Nelson, J.B. Callicott (Eds.), The Wilderness Debate Rages On, University of Georgia Press, Athens, 2008, pp. 93-96.
A. Leopold, A Sand County Almanac, Oxford University Press, London, 1949.
T.W. Swetnam, C.D. Allen, J.L. Betancourt, Applied Historical Ecology: Using the Past to Manage for the Future, Ecological Applications 9:4 (1999) 1189-1206.
Murray Buttes on Mars.
Space environmental ethics:
C.M. Bertka (Ed.), Exploring the Origin, Extent, and Future of Life: Philosophical, Ethical, and Theological Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009.
J.B. Callicott, Moral Considerability and Extraterrestrial Life, in: E.C. Hargrove (Ed.), Beyond Spaceship Earth: Environmental Ethics and the Solar System, Sierra Club Books, San Francisco, 1986, pp. 227-259.
C.S. Cockell, Space on Earth: Saving Our World by Seeking Others, Macmillan, London, 2007.
S.J. Dick (Ed.), The Impact of Discovering Life Beyond Earth, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015.
M. Gray, Geodiversity: Valuing and Conserving Abiotic Nature, John Wiley and Sons, West Sussex, 2004.
C. Impey, A.H. Spitz, and W. Stoeger (Eds.), Encountering Life in the Universe, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 2013.
W.R. Kramer, Colonizing mars—An opportunity for reconsidering bioethical standards and obligations to future generations, Futures 43 (2011) 545–551.
J.J. Matthews, S. McMahon, Exogeoconservation: Protecting Geological Heritage on Celestial Bodies, Acta Astronautica 149 (2018) 55-60.
C.P. McKay, Planetary Ecosynthesis on Mars: Restoration Ecology and Environmental Ethics, in: C.M. Bertka (Ed.), Exploring the Origin, Extent, and Future of Life: Philosophical, Ethical, and Theological Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009, pp. 245-260.
T. Milligan, Nobody Owns the Moon: The Ethics of Space Exploitation, McFarland and Company, Jefferson, 2015.
T. Peters (Ed.), Astrotheology: Science and Theology Meet Extraterrestrial Life, Cascade Books, Eugene, 2018.
Race, M.S., and Randolph, R.O. The Need for Operating Guidelines and a Decision Making Framework Applicable to the Discovery of Non-intelligent Extraterrestrial Life. Adv. Space Res. 30 (2002) 1583-1591.
H. Rolston III, A New Environmental Ethics: The Next Millenium for Life on Earth, Routledge, New York, 2012.
J.S.J. Schwartz and T. Milligan (Eds.), The Ethics of Space Exploration, Springer, New York, 2016.
N.A. Cabrol and E.A. Grin (Eds.), From Habitability to Life on Mars, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2018.
F.V. De Blasio, Mysteries of Mars, Springer, New York, 2018.
C.P. McKay, Hard Life for Microbes and Humans on the Red Planet, Ad Astra 19:2 (2007) 30-31.
D.A. Weintraub, Life on Mars: What to Know before We Go, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2018.
T.C. Onstott, Deep Life: The Hunt for the Hidden Biology of Earth, Mars, and Beyond, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2017.
W.T. Sullivan III and J.A. Baross (Eds.), Planets and Life: The Emerging Science of Astrobiology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007.
The Curiosity rover explores the Martian environment.
Government documents:
NASA image collection at
NASA, NASA’s Journey to Mars: Pioneering Next Steps in Space Exploration, NASA, Washington D.C., 2015.
UNESCO, A New Roadmap for the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme and its World Network of Biosphere Reserves, UNESCO, Paris, 2017.
United Nations, United Nations Treaties and Principles on Outer Space, United Nations Publications, New York, 2002.
United Nations, Rio Declaration on Environment and Development., 1992 (accessed 27 March 2019).
World Space Council, COSPAR Planetary Protection Policy with Explanatory Annotations, World Space Council, Houston, 2011.
Policy implications:
P. Ehrenfreund, M. Race, D. Labdon, Responsible Space Exploration and Use: Balancing Stakeholder Interests, New Space 1:2 (2013) 60-72.
M.S. Race, Policies for Scientific Exploration and Environmental Protection: Comparison of the Antarctic and Outer Space Treaties, in: P.A. Berkman, M.A. Lang, D.W.H.Walton, O.R. Young [Eds.], Science Diplomacy: Antarctica, Science, and the Governance of International Spaces, Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, Washington, D.C., 2011